

If you are a griever, welcome. And Iā€™m sorry.

I am so, so sorry.

I hope you find something here that serves you. Some words, support, a community, or just the knowledge that there is another soul out there who understands. Grief has been the hardest thing I have ever had to endure. It has forever altered the course of my life. And yet, here I am. And here you are too. I get it.

Grief Support Programs


1:1 Grief Support

Work privately with one of our amazing New Moon Mira team members

These sessions are meant for those yearning to delve into their grief journey in a sacred and private setting with their own personal grief coach. 1:1 coaching containers are a minimum of six months, with sessions happening twice per month. Grief work is deep work and we have found that a commitment over time allows for trust to build and be fostered. We are thrilled to be introducing this new offering.

Book Free Discovery Call

The Next Breath

Your Survival Kit for Early Grief

A gentle, pre-recorded 60-minute mini-course + bonus somatic lesson for the new griever. A safe space for you to land during this unbearable time. Here youā€™ll find clear strategies and ideas for ways to get through the wild early days of your grief journey - from someone who has been where you are now. Watch and re-watch at your own pace. Your purchase of this course also includes an accompanying handout & worksheet.

Pre-Order Now

I See You, Sister

A Group for Widows

An intimate dive into processing your grief journey, within a protected container with Mira, the New Moon Mira team, and a group of your fellow widows. This program is all about community & sisterhood. It includes teaching, liveĀ group calls, a private member discussion forum, an introduction to somatic practices, writing prompts, resources, teaching + guidance on a wide variety of grief topics, and the opportunity to share your story & hold space for one another in this profound and messy grief.

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Learn the Language of your Grieving Body

A program for anyone who is feeling the urge to tap into their physical grief. This 5-month LIVE program is for the griever who feels an intuitive push that there are embodied elements of their traumatic loss that are trapped within their physical body, waiting to be explored. Whether triggers are overwhelming you or you are experiencing physical or cognitive symptoms related to your grief, this program if for you. RECLAIM combines live group calls with a pre-recorded somatic video library. It includes elements of teaching, sharing, practicing, integrating & accountability.

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