A New Moon Mira Widows Group + Retreat
Join Mira & a group of your fellow widows for an intimate five-month online group experience, featuring an exquisite in-person retreat, right in the middle.

A New Moon Mira Widows Group + Retreat

Join Mira & a group of your fellow widows for an intimate five-month online group experience, featuring an exquisite in-person retreat, right in the middle.


Sink into ritual, somatics, spirituality, connection, and growth.


Online Sessions: Tuesdays 12-2PM ET starting June 4

Retreat: August 8-11, 2024 // Prince Edward County, Ontario

When my partner Brian died, I suddenly felt like an alien.

I yearned for a sisterhood of women who understood what this was like. A circle where I felt like I belonged. And where I could finally take off my mask.

Bringing widows together through New Moon Mira, has become one of my missions. Creating spaces where we can feel safe to show our true selves, without looks of pity reflected back at us. Spaces where we can have our cups poured into from others who are walking this same path.

Hosting my first widows retreat last autumn, was a dream come true for me. It was so much more than four days of delicious food, cozy fireside hangs, deep sleeps, gentle movement, hot saunas, and cold lake dips. It was the building of lifelong connections.

What was truly remarkable to me about my inaugural widows retreat, was the magic that was able to be built in just four days together.

But as we all hugged goodbye, I heard a little whisper in my ear: Next time, this can’t be it.

You see, the closeness that is forged while on retreat, allows a deep opening to occur.

A trust that happens at lightning speed, especially among widows.

And so I started to think, what could occur if we combined an in-person immersive retreat experience with a longer online group container?

I had a feeling that the shifts would be unparalleled.


An intimate widows experience unlike any other I have offered. One that will combine biweekly online sessions over the course of five months, a community forum for connection, and an exquisite in-person retreat right in the middle.

A small, potent, curated, deep, intimate, and closely held space for women where we will do the powerful work of grief alchemy, together.

A space rich with ritual, somatics, spirituality, connection, and growth.

And a space that is meant for the widow who is yearning to delve into her grief in close community, over an extended period of time, to see what magic can unfold.


Inside of Alchemy...

Bi-Monthly Group Calls

Ten two-hour online group sessions with Mira and an intimate group of your widow sisters (2 per month), with a focus on story-telling, somatics, ritual, and gentle grief coaching

Retreat Experience

Four transformative days and three nights together in beautiful Prince Edward County, on the shores of Lake Ontario

Intimate Group Chat

An chatting forum where we can keep in touch in-between sessions, for our entire five months together

Free Access to Reclaim

FREE access to Mira’s somatic grief group RECLAIM, running live this spring + summer (priced at $1297), incudes FREE access to the New Moon Mira Somatic Video Library during your time in the program

First Access to 1-1 Sessions

The opportunity to scoop up one of the very limited spots to work privately with one of our incredible New Moon Mira 1:1 grief coaches. Details released to those inside Alchemy first

The Retreat Experience

The retreat portion of our group will be absolutely spectacular. Hosted on the most stunning plot of land, our time together will include the following:

What's Included

→ Four days and three night staying in a private cozy cabin, at the top of an escarpment + surrounded by nature (two women per cabin/room)

→ Three gorgeous organic plant-based meals a day - sourced from local farmers, foraged from the land, and artfully crafted to your plate PLUS organic fair-trade coffee + tea, and optional wine with dinner (dietary preferences can be accommodated)

→ Daily gentle somatic movement and ritual

→ Daily grief coaching with hands-on healing circles

→ Easeful, rambling nature walks with your widow sisters - through an untouched 300 year-old forest, environmentally protected wetlands, and along 1400 ft of waterfront and stone covered beach

→ Wood-fire saunas + group lake dips (if you’d like!)

→ Warm fireside chats during beautiful Ontario August evenings

→ An intimate, nourishing experience on a breathtaking private property, which you will never forget

What's Not Included

Flight to Toronto Pearson International or Billy Bishop Airport.

Transportation from Toronto to the retreat centre 
(2.5-3 hours by car, we will organize a shuttle for the group, which is totally optional & a small additional cost).

Our Surroundings

Embrace nature, let go of responsibility, and connect to the beauty and simplicity of just being here with your widow sisters.


Client Love...

What past participants of Mira's grief retreats are saying:

“I’m filled with gratitude & wonder at everything that happened on our retreat, and everything I felt. I’m realizing that I didn’t even know what it meant to be heard or seen before this. Truly, I didn’t even have the concept. Being seen, hearing everyone’s stories, and being around my fellow widows was a revelation for me. I especially found it affirming to know that other people go through the caregiving part of the journey as well.

It was unexpected and so helpful for me to be given the opportunity to reflect on how much my husband changed me as a person, and how much I love and miss him.

Since our retreat, I definitely feel more grounded and secure in my grief & in my future. I am so thankful for this experience.”


“Going into the retreat, I knew that I was feeling the need to be seen by my fellow widows, but I truly didn’t recognize all of the different ways I would feel seen during our time together. I couldn’t have predicted what a profound impact that would have on me, nor how important it would be.

I am so, so grateful for our time in that magical space. Our retreat was amazing and it felt so synchronistic and meant to be. I couldn’t imagine anyone other than Mira running it. I couldn’t imagine it being anywhere else. Everything just came together so perfectly.

We all had someone to relate to, in so many different ways. We all had someone to look ahead to. But also, someone who could look ahead to us. I love that Mira trusted that whoever was meant to be there was going to sign up. It was amazing, considering how connected we all were. I really valued that.


“I am so thankful that I attended Mira's in-person widows retreat. It was so special to come together with other widows - to share our stories and to reflect on who we are now (and who we want to be) - as we hold our deep grief. We were all at different points in our grief, but it really didn't matter. It was a beautiful balance of sharing with each other and personal reflection time. Delicious food, laughter, crying, cold plunges, sauna, and dancing under the stars.

The community and bond formed was very special. The really key difference I’ve noticed in myself since our time together, is how much more grounded I feel. This retreat was exactly the space I needed to be in. Thank you Mira!”


“I am so grateful to Mira for hosting this retreat, where we could connect in such a safe, fun, calming, + beautiful space! Being surrounded by other widows was wonderful. It felt really good to bond with other humans who have gone through the same thing as me.

Talking with everyone was much more easeful than talking with other people in my life. I didn’t have to put in effort + explain everything, which was a relief. For me, being early on in my grief, I’m especially grateful that I had the other participants to look up to. Just knowing that it isn’t always going to be this  raw, was so helpful.

The nightly dinners - with the yummiest food + conversations - were amazing, as well as the nature walks around the beautiful property. I’m so glad I decided to join.”


“I can’t count how many times I’ve sat back and reflected on my time with Mira and the women at the widow’s retreat six months ago. Admittedly, I was nervous going into it. I was worried the investment wouldn’t feel worth it, or that I wouldn’t connect with the other women - that I would be in a different place in my grief.

Nothing could be further from the truth. There was something so magically validating to be sitting in a room, around a fire, jumping in the lake, and gathered around a dining table with a group of women who truly understand what you’ve walked through as a widow.

There is something so entirely healing about sharing, listening, surrendering to this path of life surrounded by those who are fighting and working through just what you have. I reflect so often on this time together and truly feel it was a moment of release and acceptance that I needed to move through my grief, my loss, and my healing."


“Before this retreat, I hadn't been in a space where being a widow was the shared norm. So that part of the experience alone, made me feel more seen and understood than in my normal life.

But it was more than that. This retreat was an amazing time with women who I discovered I would want to be friends with, even if we weren't unfortunately connecting through our shared experience with profound loss.

Now, I have this great new circle of friends and feel much less lonely in my daily life with my grief. Thanks so much Mira for hosting this! The experience was great and continues to make a big difference for me."




The Energy of the Experience


Imagine finally exhaling in a space where you don’t have to keep up your guard.

The Alchemy Experience is all about filling your cup & giving yourself the gift of ongoing grief support and sisterhood.

My wish is that you leave the retreat portion of our container feeling well rested, well nourished, and with a heart that is full.

With nature surrounding us, warm food in our bellies, and rich conversation ringing in our ears - we will carve out space for ourselves and for all of our needs.

Every day will be a combination of rest, serenity, connection, and movement.

The full 5-month Alchemy group will take all of this deep work to the next level.

Get ready for grief coaching circles and somatic work, as well as laughter and joy - the duality of grief at its essence.

A space where you can be, exactly as you are.



Join me for Alchemy, an intimate group + retreat experience for widows

Only eight spots available • Two women per cabin/room • All prices in USD



Pay in Full




6 Month Payment Plan




12 Month Payment Plan





FREE access to my Somatic Grief Group, RECLAIM, running LIVE this spring + summer (Priced at $1297). Also includes full access to our somatic video library.

PLUS The opportunity to scoop up one of the very limited spots to work privately with one of our incredible New Moon Mira 1:1 grief coaches. Details released to those inside Alchemy first.

Meet Mira

Prior to becoming a widow, Mira Simone, MSc, worked as an occupational therapist with people who had sustained a brain injury, were living with chronic pain & illness, and individuals with developmental disabilities. Grief and holding space for it, was always a part of her work, but experiencing the loss of her partner Brian in 2019, and then her father in 2021, opened up an entirely new awareness of the grief experience for her.

Mira is a registered mental health occupational therapist in Ontario, Canada with a decade of experience leading groups and providing 1:1 support.

She writes and speaks publicly about the grief experience and is currently writing a memoir with support from the Canada Council for the Arts.

Mira founded New Moon Mira to create the grief space *she* was looking for when her partner first died.

Mira is a sensitive soul, a deep feeler, and a creator. She loves warm drinks, cozy spaces, and laughter.


For the widow who is ready to delve deeper into her grief and to let the magic unfold.
I can’t wait to get to know you better.
For the widow who is ready to delve deeper into her grief and to let the magic unfold. I can’t wait to get to know you better.