$459.00 USD

12 monthly payments

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Alchemy • 12 Month Payment Plan

A New Moon Mira Widows Group + Retreat

Join Mira & a group of your fellow widows for an intimate five-month online group experience, featuring an exquisite in-person retreat, right in the middle.

Please read the full terms & conditions HERE.

What Past Retreat Participants Are Saying:

Before our retreat, I truly didn’t recognize all of the different *ways* I would feel seen during our time together. I couldn’t have predicted what a profound impact that would have on me, nor how important it would be. I am so, so grateful for our time in that magical space. Our retreat was amazing and it felt so synchronistic and meant to be. I couldn’t imagine anyone other than Mira running it. I couldn’t imagine it being anywhere else. Everything just came together so perfectly.


I’m filled with gratitude & wonder at everything that happened on our retreat, and everything I felt. I’m realizing that I didn’t even *know* what it meant to be heard or seen before this. Being seen, hearing everyone’s stories, and being around my fellow widows was a revelation for me. Since our retreat, I definitely feel more grounded and secure in my grief & in my future. I am so thankful for this experience.


I am so thankful that I attended Mira's in-person widows retreat. It was so special to come together with other widows - to share our stories and to reflect on who we are now (and who we want to be) - as we hold our deep grief. The community and bond formed was very special. Delicious food, laughter, crying, cold plunges, sauna, and dancing under the stars. The really key difference I’ve noticed in myself since our time together, is how much more grounded I feel. This retreat was exactly the space I needed to be in. Thank you Mira!
